Honoring Through Service To Our Veterans
Honoring Through Service To Our Veterans
Barbara Weiner
District 17
VFW Auxiliary 1963
Green Light -- Healthy Auxiliaries
Yellow Light -- Auxiliaries that are exhibiting at least one (1) red flag and a Caution light. This could be a failure to meet any of the Essentials of a Healthy Auxiliary.
Red Light -- This is when an Auxiliary is put on suspension. This is not neccessarily a bad thing, this could be a time for the Auxiliary to step back and regroup.
Mentoring is now included under the Chief of Staff program.
All members can be a mentor. This may include training and educating of new and current members.
C - Catch the member when they join
A - Ask them to participate
R - Remember what it felt like to be new
E - Engage them in a program that fits them
Extension & Revitalization
There will be a point-based system for the Extension & Revitalization Award.
The Auxiliary with the most points will recieve a Department Award, and a President's Challenge Coin, all others will recievea citation.
An award will be given to the Auxiliary that has an activity/event that supports a mentor program. Citations will be given to all the Auxiliaries who enter. To enter, please send a write up about your mentoring program. Please include your District # and Auxiliary #.